1930s Kitchen Exhibit This exhibit contains several utensils and other household items used by the early settlers of Boron while living in the small two man cabins at the Pacific Coast Borax Facilities (Baker Mine).
1930s Beauty Shop Exhibit This exhibit contains curlers, combs, hair dryers and several other implements used at the local beauty shop in the 1930s.
Boron Volunteer Fire Department Exhibit This man-drawn fire wagon was used by the Boron Volunteer Fire Department at the Baker camp in the 1930s.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial This exhibit is dedicated to the memory of Boron's brave and courageous heros who lost their lives during the Vietnam War.
Granite Rock and Drill This granite rock and drill was used for drilling contests between the years of 1955 and 1960. Two men teams would compete to see who could drill the longest hole in a specified time frame.
Ore Bucket This ore bucket was used to haul borax ore or supplies in and out of the Western Borax Mine located northwest of Boron.